Browsing CategoryMuseum Reviews

Virtual Museum Visits: Johannes Vermeer at the Rijksmuseum

Detail on Vermeer's Milkmaid

Due to our forced home staycations, I decided to start a little project and take you to a different museum each day. We’ll start with a virtual museum visit to the Rijksmuseum and their collection of paintings created by Johannes Vermeer. And, of course, since we should #stayhome, we’re going to do that virtually. They say art is healing. So, let’s try to stress a bit less, and instead of watching the millionth news about COVID-19, enjoy in some art. Johannes Vermeer at the Rijksmuseum Today I’m taking you to one of my favourite museums in Amsterdam, the Rijksmuseum. I’ll…

Archeon Museum Park: A place where history’s coming to life

Archeon Park Museum

Archeon Museum Park is a place I wanted to visit for some time already. So, finally last weekend, Marijan, Karlo and I went on a little trip there. All three of us completely fallen in love with it. With its great combination of revived history, old buildings and delicious food, it is a great destination for a day trip within the Netherlands. And we’re definitely going to visit it again soon! History lives at Museum Park Archeon Archeon is a large museum park where you can find different edifices from Prehistory, Roman and Medieval time. They have brought them there…

Rijksmuseum with kids: One hour long self guided tour with a toddler

View on the Rijksmuseum building, one of the best museums in Europe

While I was still an Art History student, I’ve dreamed how one day I’ll be visiting museums with my kid. How he or she will be that enlightened kid that will understand art. And while he will be asking me meaningful questions about paintings in front of us, I would be the proudest mum ever. And then I’ve got a child. And realised how that little dream of mine will be a bit harder to achieve. And that I’ll have to create a great experience for him, so he can enjoy a museum. That’s why I’ve created this one-hour long…

Visiting Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg (complete guide)

Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg

Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg is one of the best museums I’ve ever visited. Situated in a beautiful Winter Palace and being home to one of the biggest art collections in the world, it’s definitely a treat for any art enthusiast. Being the second-largest museum in the world, it could definitely feel a bit overwhelming planning a visit to it. That’s why I’ve created this blog post with some info and tips on how to best visit the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg. Visiting Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg First things first, let’s start with the history of this beautiful…

Best museums in Tournai

Museum of fine arts is Tournai

For a rather small town, Tournai has some quite interesting museums. With its rich history it’s not surprising it has a lot to offer in a field of culture, as well. During my weekend in Tournai, I’ve visited some of them. And have chosen these 5 as the best museums in Tournai. Since they are quite small it’s not hard to visit them all during your stay. Best museums in Tournai 1 – Natural History Museum Address: Cour d’Honneur de l’Hôtel de ville, Rue Saint-Martin 52 I’m not a huge fun of a natural history, but this was without a doubt…