On day 3 of our Art Blogmas, you can see the work of another famous Impressionist painter – Claude Monet’s Train in the Snow or The Locomotive. Keep on reading to learn more about it and to see some of its details.

Art Blogmas 2022

I filled this Art Blogmas with diverse art styles and painters. However, Impressionists had a special love for painting winter scenes. It’s probably the same as with their passion for painting the water. They were both a perfect motif to capture the light.

Read more: Monet and the Water Lilies

Claude Monet: Train in the Snow or The Locomotive

Claude Monet painted his Train in the Snow in 1875. He painted it at the Argenteuil railway station. Monet painted quite a few scenes with trains, almost as if he was fascinated with them.

Could it be because of the steam or the new technology and development they represented?

Observing the texture is especially interesting in front of the Impressionist paintings. It seems as there is no light on this artwork. Monet painted both the snow and the sky with grim shades of grey.

People looking like the black shadows could be easily misplaced for the black tree branches on the right-hand side. Although the cold can almost be felt in the painting, it has a certain cosiness.

Everything moves slowly in this painting; people, the train, and the wind. Once those people get into the train, they will be in a cosy illuminated train wagon, watching and enjoying that winter landscape from the inside.

Claude Monet always revives the atmosphere of the landscape well in his paintings. And he’s doing the same with this one.

Read more: Impressionists in Paris

If you don’t want to miss other paintings I’m going to share with you in this year’s Art Blogmas, be sure to check in here tomorrow morning. Or, follow along on the Culture Tourist Facebook page and Instagram profile.