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The travelling artists & artworks in Renaissance Europe

Travelling artists in renaissance europe

Have you ever wondered how artists travelled in the past? How did they deliver their artworks, and how far did they go? The time of the Renaissance was marked by travelling, Great Geographical Discoveries, and the rebirth of Classical antique art. It’s surprising to find out how quickly one got to know artist’s work far away, even before the Internet or motor vehicles. But also how difficult it was for artists to travel. However, despite all the difficulties, those Renaissance artists were some of the first culture tourists in the world.

Summer in Art History

Summer was a frequent motif in many paintings throughout history. Starting in the Roman times, it was especially popular to show some of the allegories of different seasons in Renaissance and Baroque art. To celebrate the start of Summer here at the Culture Tourist, we curated some of the most beautiful paintings with a Summer theme in Art History for you. Enjoy!

Easter Traditions in Europe

Red easter eggs from the czech Republic

Easter traditions in Europe are as diverse as the countries on the Old Continent themselves. From an egg hunt in England, decorating Easter trees in Germany, Austria or the Netherlands, colouring eggs in central and eastern Europe to numerous religious processions in Spain or Italy. They represent all the treasure of European culture in such a lovely way.

Let’s slow down a bit (with some art)

Tea with her colouring postcards in Alkmaar

September is usually a month of some big decisions for me. As many people make new year’s resolutions, and decide to restart their life a bit each January, that’s what I usually do in September.

It marks the beginning of a new school and college year. And it’s right after the summer when I usually have some time to relax and get many new ideas I start to implement from September. It helps that my birthday is also in August. And, you know how each year you make some new resolutions how in that year you’re going to be happier, better or something else.